“Balabanov’s House Music Days” International Festival has been selected to receive the EFFE Label 2017-2018. The Festival is now part of the EFFE festival community, facilitated by the European Festivals Association, which consists of festivals that stand for artistic quality and have a significant impact on the local, national and international level.
The official ceremony will take place in Wiesbaden on 4 May.
EFFE is proud to announce the results of Europe's finest festivals honored with the EFFE Label 2015-2016. Following a process of intense evaluation from national experts to an international jury, 761 festivals from 31 countries now belong to the first generation of EFFE Label recipients. You can access all EFFE Label festivals at www.effe.eu. The online Guide to Europe's festivals 2015-2016 will be available in early summer.
EFFE – Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe, initiated by the European Festivals Association, is the portal for citizens and for professionals to discover and get involved in Europe's festivals. It is a new international festival platform connecting festivals that are deeply committed to the arts, their communities and European values. The platform invites audiences worldwide to access up-to-date festival information and participate in festivals across Europe. Above all EFFE recognizes the immense excellence of these festivals in their daily local work all across Europe.
The artistic director of "Balabanov's House Music Days" International Festival Mila Pavlova was awarded the highly prestigious "PLOVDIV AWARD" 2013' in the field of music for her activities, related to the festival.
2014 - Златен медал от Министерство на културата за принос в честванията на 100-годишнината от рождението на великия български бас Борис Христов
Mila Pavlova - artistic director of "Balabanov's House Music Days" International festival was awarded the prize "Music Manager of the Year" 2012 in the Bulgarian National Radio "Musician of the Year" Contest.
The Balabanov's House Music Days International Festival received the Music Project of 2011 Award in the Bulgarian National Radio "Musician of the Year" Contest.